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Action Points

Tēnā koe.

Rodney Inclusive Communities Inc. (RICI) is committed to creating a 'new space' for inclusion, within the Rodney District.


Our primary intention is to provide a website with local information related to disability support, inclusion and accessibility. We will add more information, links and accessible features to this website, as we are able to.


We also initiate inclusive and educational activities that will benefit people with disabilities who live in / are visiting, our beautiful region. By doing so, we hope to encourage our  communities to become more inclusive and accessible; where everyone can feel accepted and valued. 

We advocate for more disability services in our region, and provide feedback to  Auckland council and the Local Rodney Board when necessary, on matters related to inclusion & accessibility.  


We welcome any queries, support and feedback.




“Inclusion is not bringing people

into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.” - George Dei (2006)

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Let's Work Together

“Diversity doesn't look like anyone. it looks like everyone.”

Karen Draper

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